SEO Singapore – Can You Rank Successfully In Such A Competitive City?

Local SEO SEOGuidelines & Tips Estimated Reading Time 5 mins
Updated November 10, 2023 Published October 31, 2018
BlogSEO Singapore – Can You Rank Successfully In Such A Competitive City?
Author: Visibee

Singapore is a city with a huge competition in the online market, meaning it’s almost impossible to make your business successful on the Internet if you’re not appearing in the search engines. Google rankings have a massive effect on your business’s success, growth, and meeting your goals, whether or not you want to admit it. For that reason, ranking organically in the search engines using proper SEO is one of the most essential tools of improving your website rankings.

This, coupled with the fact that the overwhelming majority of Google search users do not go past the first page of results. Only 4.8 percent of people even look at page two while most of these will only look at first three to five organic results. This validates the necessity of a good SEO company in Singapore which can achieve as high rankings as possible for your businesses key search terms

So how do you compete and how do you do SEO?

There are a number of ways to effectively fight for SEO placements in the search engines and below are just a few of the ways:

1. Keyword research

By digging deep into your niche, keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field to examine how potential customers are actually searching for your products or services. It all begins with words typed into a search box to find a topic they are looking for, and these words are called keywords which determine what your company is known for. By researching the demand of your market’s keyword, you can not only determine which terms and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your customers as a whole.

Knowing what your target customers are searching for is a great start, and having a long list of keywords will give you a great place to start forming an SEO strategy. However, you also need to know how competitive any given keyword is. You can use different keyword research tool that are available for free such as Google’s AdWords Keyword Planner or Keyword Explorer tool to simplify this critical SEO research process. Remember, using the proper keyword will get you more search engine traffic.

2.On-page optimization

Armed with your keywords is to start putting them into the right places on your website to improve its SEO.

  • Page title. Google uses the title of your page to rank your content. A title tag should be short but descriptive that include the most important keyword incorporated in a natural way.
  • Meta description. Google doesn’t use the keywords tag anymore, but meta descriptions that include target keywords can influence click-throughs from search engines.
  • Headings. Incorporate keywords from the h1 down to a potential h6. Use synonyms and secondary keywords in your headings to avoid being repetitive. You should never have more than one h1 tag on any page.
  • Image file name. Before you upload images to your website, be sure to optimize them by putting descriptive file names with keywords.
  • Image alt tags. Alt tags should be meaningful but short. You can use your relevant keywords as ALT text.
  • Page URL. Try to incorporate your keyword(s) in your page URL. Remember: Create a redirect if you change a URL so you don’t lose any SEO!
  • Website copy. Website pages should contain at least 300 words using your target keywords, as well as synonyms and secondary keywords, throughout the copy.

1. Off-page Optimization

At a high level, improving off page SEO involves improving search engine and user perception in the search engine results page (SERPs). Unlike On- page SEO, Off-page SEO refers to activities of getting links from other sites (especially those that are reputable and trustworthy themselves), mentions of your brand, shares of your content, and “votes of confidence” from sources outside of your own website. The most important are:

  • Link Building – is the process of exchanging links with other Web sites to increase your own site’s backlinks and quality backlinks.
  • Social Media Marketing – is a form of internet marketing that involves creating and sharing content on social media networks in order to achieve your marketing and branding goals.
  • Blog Directory – is a method of writing content for other, similar blogs in your industry to increase traffic to your site.

With so many local businesses in Singapore attempting (sometimes badly) to carry out SEO on their websites, improving your Google ranking is important to your business’ bottom line. It is now harder than ever to rank for local keywords, such as “beauty salon Singapore” or “beauty salon in Singapore”. This is why it’s important to work specifically with a Singapore-based SEO agency that can explain your company’s opportunities for ranking in search engine results for Singapore based keywords and help guide you to better ways to present your business online to increase sales.

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